Sunday, 28 March 2021

Power Supplies...

 Just a quick one, but whilst watching the second video in the series (see below), towards the end there's a nice little nugget, that being a designer tool for power supplies. Awesome! Anyway, the goodness can be found here on Duncan's Amp Pages, and looks pretty nifty! Probably worth looking at if you want to design a PSU (or for referencing for myself for later use)

PSUD2 - Duncan's Amp Pages PSU Designer

 These videos if you mine them for little tidbits are proving really informative, so I am definitely sticking with them and recommending them.

 And here's the PSU video, which is a pretty good run through of how everything looks (as well as some nice stuff on screen resistor taps for linearity)


As a side note, looking at my output inMadOut output transformer, it has no screen grid tap, but going off the analysis being done in the videos of a fender amp, that does use one, so this is interesting. Something to make a mental note of. Another nice thing is pretty much having a "oooooooooooh" moment of the whole triode operation switches on the back of amps is pretty much a switch that just connects the screen grids (1 or 2 depending on if tetrode or pentode) to the plate. Seems like a simple mod to add later that just involves a simple switch...

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